Meet Marianne Taylor

Reintroducing Marianne Taylor 

If you’ve been around Samena a while, you may have already met our long-time Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Class instructor, Marianne. We are so pleased to announce that Marianne will be taking on a new role as Samena’s Fitness Coordinator! 

Contact her for Personal Training or to schedule your free Member Fitness Consultation

What are you most excited about taking on in your new role as Fitness Coordinator? 

I am most excited about working with our incredible staff and to be more a part of ‘Team Samena.’ I have a lot of new ideas to share, as well as a goal to improve our gym.  

What drew you to the fitness industry/why is it important to you? 

My journey into fitness began during my time as a CNA at the hospital, where I often encouraged fellow staff members to join me for runs, walks, or workouts. Whenever someone mentioned a fitness goal, I was always there to support them. One day, I came across a flyer for the AA Fitness Specialty degree at Lake Washington Tech and thought “This is for me.” I enrolled in the two-year program, and shortly after began my second job as a personal trainer with Samena. A classmate of mine even encouraged me to teach there, leading to my first group fitness class, Senior Fit. 

Health and wellness has always been crucial to me. Having witnessed people at their lowest points in the hospital, I wanted to be part of the solution to promote healthier living before a crisis arises, rather than after. 

What is your proudest accomplishment from your fitness career? 

My proudest accomplishments in my fitness career are moments when clients achieve their personal goals through their hard work and dedication. I’m thrilled when a client starts following their exercise plan independently and reaches their goals. It’s incredibly rewarding to help a member train for and complete a half marathon or guide someone dealing with back pain to lifting weights confidently. I also take great pride in seeing a member commit to their health by consistently attending every class and making lasting changes in their life. 

What people are saying about Marianne

“Marianne is an excellent personal trainer and I have a very good rapport with her. Right at the outset she asked about my fitness goals and what I was looking to achieve through the training. We started with exercise routines that were targeted towards achieving my goals. But she was very careful to ensure that we were slowly building up the intensity level to avoid injury. She would pay close attention to how I was feeling and if she saw any indication of pain (like lower back pain for instance) she would make me stop and change the exercise. After my health episode and when I resumed the training after a few months’ gap she adjusted the exercise routine to address health situation. She always intersperses the strength training routines with 2 minute cardio routines. That has been very helpful in avoiding injuries and also in giving me the cardio exercises that I need.

Marianne meets her students where they are at, is very flexible and adaptable but also firm and true to her principles. I really enjoy working with her.” – Prashanth, Samena Member

Learn more about Personal Training