Summer camps
Join Samena’s Summer Camps for the summer of a lifetime! Samena Summer Camps keep your kids, ages 3-16 years active and engaged all summer long! Swim, learn, & play at the best camp in Bellevue!

Preschool Camp
Ages 3-5
Campers will be immersed in games, crafts, music, stories, fun learning opportunities, and more! We’ll play on Samena’s playground and take a dip in the wading pool!

Day Camp
Ages 5-12
Every week at Samena, campers will be splashing, swimming, and meeting new summer camp buddies!

Ages 11-14
Each weekly camp will have a different theme, and the Teens & Tweens will take daily trips around the Seattle area and return to Samena for open swim time.

Junior Counselors
Ages 14 & up
You will be paired with one of Samena’s counselors and work with children ages 5 – 12 years old, helping lead activities, crafts, games, and swimming time.

Junior Lifeguards
Ages 12-14
Students gain a wide variety of knowledge and experience that include first aid, CPR, how to prevent aquatic emergencies, water rescue techniques, teamwork, and more.